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Writer's picture: ebalabanfarukebalabanfaruk

Updated: Jan 29

How to Say It is Too Easy

English Idiom



English Definition

Örnek Cümle / Пример предложения

It’s a Piece of Cake

Это проще простого

Çocuk oyuncağı

Something very easy, like a simple task

Не переживай за тест; это проще простого. / Test için endişelenme; çocuk oyuncağı.

Speak of the Devil

Вспомнишь солнце - вот и луч

İti an, çomağı hazırla

Used when someone appears right after being mentioned

Мы только что говорили о тебе – вспомнишь солнце, вот и луч! / Tam seni konuşuyorduk, iti an çomağı hazırla!

Two Heads Are Better Than One

Одна голова хорошо, две лучше

İki kafa bir kafadan iyidir

Collaboration often leads to better results

Давай решим эту проблему вместе; одна голова хорошо, две лучше. / Bu sorunu birlikte çözelim; iki kafa bir kafadan iyidir.

Better Safe Than Sorry

Береженого бог бережет

Sakla samanı, gelir zamanı

Advice to be cautious and take preventive measures

Лучше перепроверить всё - береженого бог бережет. / Her şeyi tekrar kontrol et; sakla samanı, gelir zamanı.

Tell Me Something I Don’t Know

Говоришь капитан очевидность

Yeni bir şey söyle

A humorous response to something obvious

Ты лучший повар. Говоришь капитан очевидность! / Sen en iyi aşçısın. Yeni bir şey söyle!

Over My Dead Body

Только через мой труп

Cesedimi çiğnersin

Indicates strong resistance to something

Ты хочешь продать мою машину? Только через мой труп! / Arabamı satmak mı istiyorsun? Cesedimi çiğnersin!

Time is Money

Время - деньги

Vakit nakittir

Reminds us that time is valuable

Не трать время на разговоры - время - деньги. / Boş muhabbetle vakit harcama; vakit nakittir.

I’m Beat

Я без сил

Yorgunum, bittim

A casual way to say you’re very tired

Я без сил после рабочего дня. / Bütün gün çalıştıktan sonra yorgunum, bittim.

There’s Something Fishy Going On

Здесь что-то нечисто

Burada bir iş var

Used when something seems suspicious or odd

Здесь что-то нечисто в этой сделке. / Bu anlaşmada bir iş var.

Once in a Blue Moon

Раз в сто лет

Kırk yılda bir

Refers to something that happens rarely

Я приезжаю в свой родной город раз в сто лет. / Memleketime kırk yılda bir giderim.

  • Do you think achieving happiness is truly a "piece of cake" or is it something that requires continuous effort and self-discovery?

  • How does the concept of "speak of the devil" relate to the idea of manifesting or attracting what you frequently think about? Can thoughts truly influence reality?

  • In your opinion, are democratic decisions always better because “two heads are better than one,” or can too many opinions sometimes slow down progress?

  • When dealing with issues like climate change, do you believe it’s wiser to take drastic preventive measures even if it disrupts the economy, or should we wait for more evidence before taking action?

  • How does media manipulation affect people’s understanding of reality? Are we often being told things that are already obvious, while the real issues are hidden?

  • Should personal beliefs ever be allowed to stop societal progress, or are there cases where saying “over my dead body” is justified to protect personal freedoms?

  • Is the concept of "time is money" driving us to be overly productive, leading to toxic productivity? How do you think this affects mental health and work-life balance?

  • Does society glorify being “beat” or exhausted, as a sign of hard work and success, or should we prioritize mental health and rest over constant productivity?

  • How important is it to question political narratives or corporate motives? Should we always assume “there’s something fishy going on” in politics or business dealings?

  • Can rare events, like pandemics or financial crashes that happen "once in a blue moon," ever be predicted accurately? How prepared should we be for such unlikely scenarios?


How to Avoid Answering a Question

English Phrase



English Definition

Örnek Cümle / Пример предложения

No comment

Без комментариев

Yorum yok

Refusal to give any information

"I won’t say anything about it—no comment." / Я ничего не скажу — без комментариев. / Bu konuda bir şey söylemeyeceğim — yorum yok.

I’m not at liberty to say

Я не в праве говорить

Söyleme yetkim yok

I don’t have permission to give the information

"I’m not at liberty to say more about the project." / Я не в праве говорить больше о проекте. / Proje hakkında daha fazla bilgi verme yetkim yok.

Wait and see

Поживем — увидим

Bekle ve gör

You will discover the answer later

"Let’s wait and see what happens." / Поживем — увидим, что произойдет. / Ne olacağını bekle ve gör.

Let me get back to you

Я вернусь к вам позже

Sana sonra döneceğim

I will give you the answer later

"I need to check first; let me get back to you." / Мне нужно сначала проверить; я вернусь к вам позже. / Önce kontrol etmem gerek; sana sonra döneceğim.

I’m sorry, that’s confidential

Извините, это конфиденциально

Üzgünüm, bu gizli

Information that cannot be shared due to confidentiality

"I’m sorry, that’s confidential information." / Извините, это конфиденциальная информация. / Üzgünüm, bu gizli bilgi.

I’m sorry, that’s personal

Извините, это личное

Üzgünüm, bu kişisel

Refusal to answer because it’s personal

"I can’t answer that; it’s personal." / Я не могу ответить на это; это личное. / Buna yanıt veremem; bu kişisel.

I’d rather not talk about it

Я бы предпочел не говорить об этом

Bunu konuşmak istemiyorum

Preference to avoid discussing the topic

"I’d rather not talk about it right now." / Я бы предпочел не говорить об этом сейчас. / Şu an bunu konuşmak istemiyorum.

It’s none of your business

Это не твое дело

Seni ilgilendirmez

Indicates that the topic is not relevant to the person asking

"It’s none of your business what I do." / Это не твое дело, что я делаю. / Ne yaptığım seni ilgilendirmez.

Mind your own business

Занимайся своими делами

Kendi işine bak

A rude way to tell someone not to interfere

"Mind your own business and leave me alone." / Занимайся своими делами и оставь меня в покое. / Kendi işine bak ve beni rahat bırak.

Why do you want to know?

Зачем тебе это знать?

Neden bilmek istiyorsun?

Questions the reason for asking

"Why do you want to know about my plans?" / Зачем тебе это знать о моих планах? / Planlarımı neden bilmek istiyorsun?


  • Should government officials be allowed to respond with “no comment” when addressing sensitive public issues, or do they have a moral obligation to provide transparency?

  • In cases involving national security, is it justified for authorities to say, “I’m not at liberty to say,” even if it leaves the public uninformed?

  • Can the approach of “wait and see” be effective in handling geopolitical conflicts, or does it allow problems to escalate without timely intervention?

  • When discussing corporate strategies, should CEOs be able to say, “Let me get back to you,” or does this delay indicate a lack of preparedness or transparency?

  • Is it fair for tech companies to claim, “I’m sorry, that’s confidential,” when users demand clarity about how their data is being used?

  • Should individuals be allowed to say, “I’m sorry, that’s personal,” during public discussions about social issues, or does it hinder the transparency necessary for progress?

  • Is it acceptable for celebrities or public figures to respond with, “I’d rather not talk about it,” when faced with questions about their personal controversies?

  • In debates about personal wealth or income distribution, is it valid for someone to respond with, “It’s none of your business,” or should personal finances be more open to scrutiny?

  • Should telling someone to “mind your own business” be considered a valid response in discussions about individual choices, or is it a barrier to constructive dialogue?

  • When addressing controversial topics, is it fair to ask, “Why do you want to know?” or does it unnecessarily question the other person's motives and stifle open communication?


Being Rich & Poor

English Phrase



English Definition

Örnek Cümle / Пример предложения

He’s short on cash

У него мало денег

Parası az

He doesn't have enough money

"I can't go out tonight; I'm short on cash." / У меня мало денег, не могу сегодня выйти. / Bu gece dışarı çıkamam; param az.

He’s broke

Он на мели

Beş parasız

He has no money

"After paying bills, I’m broke." / После оплаты счетов я на мели. / Faturaları ödedikten sonra beş parasız kaldım.

His bank account is overdrawn

У него превышен лимит в банке

Banka hesabı eksiye düştü

His account has a negative balance

"I can’t use my card; my account is overdrawn." / Я не могу использовать карту, у меня превышен лимит в банке. / Kartımı kullanamıyorum; banka hesabım eksiye düştü.

He’s just scraping by

Он еле сводит концы с концами

Kıt kanaat geçiniyor

He is just barely surviving on little money

"We’re just scraping by on my salary." / Мы еле сводим концы с концами на мою зарплату. / Maaşımla ancak kıt kanaat geçiniyoruz.

He makes minimum wage

Он получает минимальную зарплату

Asgari ücret alıyor

He earns the minimum salary

"He can barely live on minimum wage." / Ему еле хватает на жизнь с минимальной зарплатой. / Asgari ücretle ancak geçinebiliyor.

He’s pinching pennies

Он экономит каждую копейку

Kuruşun hesabını yapıyor

He is saving money very carefully

"He’s been pinching pennies to save for a vacation." / Он экономит каждую копейку, чтобы накопить на отпуск. / Tatil için kuruşun hesabını yapıyor.

He’s scrimping and saving

Он экономит и копит

Tasarruf yapıyor ve biriktiriyor

He’s saving money by living frugally

"They’re scrimping and saving to buy a house." / Они экономят и копят, чтобы купить дом. / Ev almak için tasarruf yapıyorlar ve biriktiriyorlar.

She’s very wealthy

Она очень богата

Çok zengin

She has a lot of money

"She comes from a very wealthy family." / Она из очень богатой семьи. / Çok zengin bir aileden geliyor.

She’s quite well-off

Она довольно обеспеченная

Oldukça varlıklı

She has enough money to live comfortably

"She’s quite well-off and doesn’t worry about expenses." / Она довольно обеспеченная и не беспокоится о расходах. / Oldukça varlıklı ve masrafları umursamıyor.

She’s loaded

У неё куча денег

Cebi para dolu

She has a lot of money

"She’s loaded and always buys the best things." / У неё куча денег, и она всегда покупает самое лучшее. / Cebi para dolu ve her zaman en iyisini alır.

She’s filthy rich

Она баснословно богата

Pislik gibi zengin

She is extremely rich

"He’s filthy rich and owns several yachts." / Он баснословно богат и владеет несколькими яхтами. / Pislik gibi zengin ve birkaç yata sahip.

She inherited a fortune

Она унаследовала состояние

Bir servet miras aldı

She received a lot of money through inheritance

"She inherited a fortune from her grandfather." / Она унаследовала состояние от дедушки. / Dededen bir servet miras aldı.

She’s making a killing

Она зарабатывает кучу денег

Servet kazanıyor

She is making a lot of money

"She’s making a killing with her new business." / Она зарабатывает кучу денег с новым бизнесом. / Yeni işiyle servet kazanıyor.

She’s raking in the cash

Она гребёт деньги лопатой

Paraya para demiyor

She is earning a lot of money

"He’s raking in the cash with his online business." / Он гребёт деньги лопатой со своим онлайн-бизнесом. / Online işiyle paraya para demiyor.

She’s rolling in dough

Она купается в деньгах

Paraya boğuluyor

She has a lot of money and wealth

"They’re rolling in dough after selling their company." / Они купаются в деньгах после продажи компании. / Şirketlerini sattıktan sonra paraya boğuldular.


  • Does society unfairly judge someone who’s “short on cash,” assuming it’s due to poor financial management rather than systemic issues?

  • Is it possible for someone who’s “broke” to achieve upward mobility in today’s economy, or is the financial system rigged against them?

  • Should banks offer more support to individuals whose “bank account is overdrawn,” or does this encourage irresponsible spending habits?

  • How should governments address the struggles of those who are “just scraping by” in low-income jobs? Is a universal basic income a viable solution?

  • Is it ethical for companies to pay employees “minimum wage” while executives earn millions, or does this reflect a fair distribution based on merit and responsibility?

  • Do phrases like “pinching pennies” unfairly stigmatize (клеймить позором)people who are simply trying to make ends meet, or do they reflect the reality of living paycheck to paycheck?

  • Is “scrimping and saving” a lost virtue in today’s consumer-driven culture, or is it still the best path to financial security?

  • Should “very wealthy” individuals be obligated to contribute more to society through higher taxes, or does this discourage entrepreneurship and innovation?

  • Is being “quite well-off” a relative measure of success, or does it highlight income inequality within a capitalist society?

  • Does labeling someone as “loaded” or “filthy rich” perpetuate class envy, or is it a fair critique of wealth concentration?

  • Should those who “inherited a fortune” be considered lucky beneficiaries of their family’s wealth, or should inheritance be more heavily taxed to promote equality?

  • Does the phrase “making a killing” accurately describe the cutthroat nature of business, or does it glorify the pursuit of profit over ethics?

  • Is “raking in the cash” a valid indicator of success, or does it suggest that wealth accumulation has become the ultimate goal, regardless of consequences?

  • Should people who are “rolling in dough” feel a moral obligation to help the less fortunate, or is it up to them how they choose to spend their wealth?

  • Can being “filthy rich” coexist with a commitment to social justice, or are these concepts fundamentally at odds?


Talking about Statistics

English Phrase



English Definition

Örnek Cümle / Пример предложения

The crime rate rose

Уровень преступности вырос

Suç oranı arttı

The level of crime increased

"The crime rate rose by 10% last year." / Уровень преступности вырос на 10% в прошлом году. / Geçen yıl suç oranı %10 arttı.

The crime rate went up

Уровень преступности поднялся

Suç oranı yükseldi

The crime rate increased

"The crime rate went up significantly." / Уровень преступности значительно поднялся. / Suç oranı önemli ölçüde yükseldi.

There was a sharp increase in crime

Произошел резкий рост преступности

Suçta keskin bir artış oldu

There was a sudden and large increase in crime

"There was a sharp increase in crime last month." / Произошел резкий рост преступности в прошлом месяце. / Geçen ay suçta keskin bir artış oldu.

There was a gradual rise in crime

Произошло постепенное увеличение преступности

Suç oranında kademeli bir artış oldu

The crime rate increased slowly over time

"There was a gradual rise in crime over the decade." / Произошло постепенное увеличение преступности за десятилетие. / On yıl boyunca suç oranında kademeli bir artış oldu.

There was a spike in crime

Произошел всплеск преступности

Suçta ani bir artış oldu

There was a sudden increase and then a decrease in crime

"There was a spike in crime after the holidays." / Произошел всплеск преступности после праздников. / Tatillerden sonra suçta ani bir artış oldu.

The crime rate reached its peak

Уровень преступности достиг пика

Suç oranı zirveye ulaştı

The crime rate reached its highest point

"The crime rate reached its peak in the summer." / Уровень преступности достиг пика летом. / Suç oranı yazın zirveye ulaştı.

The crime rate plateaued

Уровень преступности стабилизировался

Suç oranı sabitlendi

The crime rate stayed at the same level

"The crime rate plateaued for a few months." / Уровень преступности стабилизировался на несколько месяцев. / Suç oranı birkaç ay boyunca sabitlendi.

There was a slight decrease in crime

Произошло небольшое снижение преступности

Suç oranında hafif bir düşüş oldu

There was a small reduction in the crime rate

"There was a slight decrease in crime this quarter." / Произошло небольшое снижение преступности в этом квартале. / Bu çeyrekte suç oranında hafif bir düşüş oldu.

The crime rate dropped

Уровень преступности упал

Suç oranı düştü

The crime rate decreased

"The crime rate dropped significantly this year." / Уровень преступности значительно упал в этом году. / Bu yıl suç oranı önemli ölçüde düştü.

The crime rate plummeted

Уровень преступности резко снизился

Suç oranı aniden düştü

The crime rate decreased a lot, very quickly

"The crime rate plummeted after the new policy." / Уровень преступности резко снизился после введения новой политики. / Yeni politika sonrası suç oranı aniden düştü.


  • What could be the underlying causes when “the crime rate rose” despite increased police presence?

  • Should policymakers be held accountable when “the crime rate went up” under their administration, or are other factors at play?

  • Can “a gradual rise in crime” indicate deeper societal issues that require long-term strategies rather than quick fixes?

  • Is “a spike in crime” always a result of temporary factors, or can it reveal deeper systemic failures that need to be addressed?

  • How should governments react when “the crime rate reached its peak”? Should there be stricter laws, or should they focus on rehabilitation?

  • Does it indicate a successful policy when “the crime rate plateaued,” or should governments aim for a continuous decrease?

  • How should community leaders interpret “a slight decrease in crime”? Is it a sign of success, or just a temporary fluctuation?

  • What strategies have proven effective in areas where “the crime rate dropped” significantly over a short period?

  • How should policymakers interpret a situation where “the crime rate plummeted”? Is it always a result of effective policies, or can other factors like economic growth contribute?


How to Say You are Talented

English Phrase



English Definition

Örnek Cümle / Пример предложения

She was born to… [dance].

Она рождена, чтобы… [танцевать].

[Dans etmek] için doğmuş.

She has a natural talent for a specific skill

"She was born to sing." / Она рождена, чтобы петь. / Şarkı söylemek için doğmuş.

He’s a natural.

Он прирожденный

Doğuştan yetenekli

He has a natural ability

"He’s a natural at cooking." / Он прирожденный повар. / Doğuştan aşçı.

She could do it in her sleep.

Она могла бы сделать это во сне.

Bunu uykusunda yapabilir

She can do it very easily

"She could solve math problems in her sleep." / Она могла бы решать задачи во сне. / Matematik problemlerini uykusunda çözebilir.

He knows it inside out.

Он знает это вдоль и поперек.

Onu avucunun içi gibi bilir

He knows it very thoroughly

"He knows the code inside out." / Он знает код вдоль и поперек. / Kodu avucunun içi gibi bilir.

She knows [New York] like the back of her hand.

Она знает [Нью-Йорк] как свои пять пальцев.

[New York]’u avucunun içi gibi bilir

She knows it very well

"She knows the city like the back of her hand." / Она знает город как свои пять пальцев. / Şehri avucunun içi gibi bilir.

She’s a walking encyclopedia of… [philosophy].

Она ходячая энциклопедия по… [философии].

[Felsefe] konusunda yürüyen ansiklopedi

She has extensive knowledge in a specific field

"She’s a walking encyclopedia of literature." / Она ходячая энциклопедия по литературе. / Edebiyat konusunda yürüyen ansiklopedi.

He’s in a class of his own.

Он вне конкуренции

Kendi sınıfında

He is exceptionally good and has no equal

"He’s in a class of his own when it comes to painting." / Он вне конкуренции в живописи. / Resim yapmada kendi sınıfında.

He’s the best in the business.

Он лучший в своем деле

İşinde en iyisi

He is the best at what he does

"He’s the best in the business of graphic design." / Он лучший в графическом дизайне. / Grafik tasarım işinde en iyisi.

She’s very gifted.

Она очень одаренная

Çok yetenekli

She has a lot of natural talent

"She’s very gifted at playing the piano." / Она очень одаренная пианистка. / Piyano çalmada çok yetenekli.

He’s a [chemistry] whiz.

Он ас в [химии].

[Kimya] uzmanı

He is very good at a specific subject

"He’s a coding whiz." / Он ас в программировании. / Programlamada uzman.

  • She was born to… [dance]. - Are some people truly “born” with certain talents, or is talent always the result of hard work and dedication?

  • He’s a natural. - Do you think being a “natural” at something gives an unfair advantage, or does it still require effort to maintain that talent?

  • She could do it in her sleep. - Does mastering a skill to the point of doing it “in your sleep” devalue the effort it took to reach that level?

  • He knows it inside out. - Is knowing a field “inside out” necessary for success, or can innovation come from a lack of complete knowledge?

  • She knows [New York] like the back of her hand. - Can local knowledge, such as knowing a city “like the back of your hand,” be as valuable as formal education in certain professions?

  • She’s a walking encyclopedia of… [philosophy]. - Is it beneficial to be a “walking encyclopedia,” or does it make one less open to new ideas and perspectives?

  • He’s in a class of his own. - Should society celebrate those who are “in a class of their own,” or does it create an unhealthy culture of competition?

  • He’s the best in the business. - Does being “the best in the business” imply a monopoly of talent, or can it coexist with a healthy competitive environment?

  • She’s very gifted. - Should gifted individuals be treated differently in educational and professional settings to nurture their potential, or is it better to treat everyone equally?

  • He’s a [chemistry] whiz. - Can being a “[subject] whiz” at an early age predict long-term success, or is consistent effort more important in the long run?


Telling Someone to Wait

English Phrase



English Definition

Örnek Cümle / Пример предложения

Could you give me a minute?

Не могли бы вы подождать минуту?

Bir dakika verir misin?

A polite request to wait for a short time

"Could you give me a minute to finish this?" / Не могли бы вы подождать минуту, пока я закончу? / Bunu bitirmem için bir dakika verir misin?

(informal) Hang on a sec / Just a sec.

Подожди секунду.

Bir saniye bekle.

Informal request to wait briefly

"Hang on a sec, I’ll be right there." / Подожди секунду, я сейчас буду. / Bir saniye bekle, hemen geliyorum.

Hold on…



Asking someone to wait or pause

"Hold on, I need to check something." / Подожди, мне нужно кое-что проверить. / Bekle, bir şeyi kontrol etmem gerek.

Let me see/think…

Дайте подумать…

Bir bakayım/düşüneyim…

Asking for time to consider something

"Let me see if I can help." / Дайте посмотреть, смогу ли я помочь. / Yardım edebilir miyim bir bakayım.

I’ll be right with you.

Я сейчас к вам подойду.

Hemen yanınızdayım.

Promising to join someone shortly

"I’ll be right with you after this call." / Я сейчас к вам подойду после звонка. / Bu görüşmeden sonra hemen yanınızdayım.

Bear with me.

Потерпите немного.

Bana katlanın/biraz sabredin.

Asking someone to be patient during a delay

"Bear with me while I find the file." / Потерпите немного, пока я найду файл. / Dosyayı bulmam için bana katlanın.

That’ll have to wait.

Это придётся подождать.

Bu beklemek zorunda kalacak.

Indicating that something cannot be addressed immediately

"Your request will have to wait until tomorrow." / Ваш запрос придется подождать до завтра. / Talebiniz yarına kadar beklemek zorunda kalacak.

Be patient.

Будьте терпеливы.

Sabırlı ol.

Asking someone to be calm and wait

"Be patient; the results will come soon." / Будьте терпеливы, результаты скоро будут. / Sabırlı ol, sonuçlar yakında gelecek.

Not so fast!

Не так быстро!

O kadar hızlı değil!

Telling someone to slow down

"Not so fast, we need to double-check the data." / Не так быстро, нам нужно перепроверить данные. / O kadar hızlı değil, verileri tekrar kontrol etmeliyiz.

Hold your horses!

Придержи коней!

Atlarını zapt et!

Asking someone to slow down or wait

"Hold your horses, we’re not ready yet." / Придержи коней, мы ещё не готовы. / Atlarını zapt et, henüz hazır değiliz.

  • Could you give me a minute? - In today’s fast-paced world, is it reasonable to ask someone to “give you a minute,” or are we expected to respond immediately to demands?

  • Hang on a sec / Just a sec. - Does the increasing use of informal phrases like "hang on a sec" in professional settings affect the perception of authority and respect?

  • Hold on… - Is it fair to ask people to “hold on” in situations that require immediate action, or does it risk losing momentum?

  • Let me see/think… - How often is the phrase “let me see” used as a stalling tactic in negotiations, rather than as a genuine request for time to consider?

  • I’ll be right with you. - In customer service, does the phrase “I’ll be right with you” create unrealistic expectations, or is it necessary to maintain customer satisfaction?

  • Bear with me. - Should people be more patient when asked to "bear with" someone during technical issues, or has society become too accustomed to instant solutions?

  • That’ll have to wait. - Are there situations in politics or business where saying “that’ll have to wait” is necessary to focus on more pressing matters, or does it lead to neglecting important issues?

  • Be patient. - In a society that values speed and efficiency, is “be patient” still relevant, or does it slow down progress?

  • Not so fast! - Is it important to say “not so fast” in situations where haste can lead to errors, or does it discourage enthusiasm and momentum?

  • Hold your horses! - How does the phrase “hold your horses” reflect cultural differences in urgency and patience across different societies?


Estimating & Guessing

English Phrase



English Definition

Örnek Cümle / Пример предложения

If I had to take a guess, I’d say… [she’s about 35 years old].

Если бы я должен был угадать, я бы сказал… [ей около 35 лет].

Tahmin etmem gerekse… [yaklaşık 35 yaşında derdim].

Making a rough estimation without certainty

"If I had to take a guess, I’d say he’s around 50." / Если бы я должен был угадать, я бы сказал, что ему около 50. / Tahmin etmem gerekse, yaklaşık 50 derdim.

It’s difficult to say, but I think… [our customers are more satisfied].

Трудно сказать, но я думаю… [наши клиенты более довольны].

Söylemesi zor, ama bence… [müşterilerimiz daha memnun].

Expressing uncertainty while providing an opinion

"It’s difficult to say, but I think it’ll work." / Трудно сказать, но я думаю, это сработает. / Söylemesi zor, ama bence işe yarayacak.

Off the top of my head, I’d say… [the company has 500 employees].

Навскидку, я бы сказал… [в компании 500 сотрудников].

Aklıma ilk gelen, [şirketin 500 çalışanı olduğu].

Giving an answer based on memory, without checking facts

"Off the top of my head, I’d say it’s 20 miles away." / Навскидку, я бы сказал, что это в 20 милях. / Aklıma ilk gelen, 20 mil uzakta olduğu.

It’s about… [10 miles away].

Это примерно… [10 миль отсюда].

Yaklaşık… [10 mil uzaklıkta].

Giving an approximate estimate

"It’s about 5 kilometers from here." / Это примерно в 5 километрах отсюда. / Yaklaşık 5 kilometre buradan.

It’s around… [three hours long].

Это примерно… [три часа].

Yaklaşık… [üç saat sürüyor].

Providing a rough duration estimate

"It’s around two hours by train." / Это примерно два часа на поезде. / Trenle yaklaşık iki saat.

I wouldn’t be surprised if… [Peter asks Jill to marry him].

Я не удивлюсь, если… [Питер предложит Джилл выйти за него замуж].

Şaşırmam… [Peter’ın Jill’e evlenme teklif etmesine].

Expressing a guess about a possible outcome

"I wouldn’t be surprised if it rains tomorrow." / Я не удивлюсь, если завтра пойдет дождь. / Yarın yağmur yağarsa şaşırmam.

There’s a good chance… [it’ll rain tomorrow].

Есть большая вероятность… [что завтра пойдет дождь].

İyi bir ihtimal… [yarın yağmur yağacak].

Indicating a high likelihood of something happening

"There’s a good chance we’ll finish on time." / Есть большая вероятность, что мы закончим вовремя. / Zamanında bitirme ihtimalimiz yüksek.

I have a feeling/hunch… [the boss won’t be happy about this].

У меня есть предчувствие… [шефу это не понравится].

Bir his/önsezim var… [patron bundan memnun olmayacak].

Expressing an instinctive feeling about a situation

"I have a feeling he’ll call soon." / У меня есть предчувствие, что он скоро позвонит. / Yakında arayacağına dair bir his var içimde.

I bet… [he’ll be late].

Держу пари… [он опоздает].

Bahse girerim… [geçecek].

Being confident about a prediction

"I bet she’s already there." / Держу пари, что она уже там. / Bahse girerim, o zaten orada.

Your guess is as good as mine.

Ваше предположение так же хорошо, как и мое.

Benimki de sadece tahmin.

Indicating that you have no more information than the other person

"Will they come today? Your guess is as good as mine." / Придут ли они сегодня? Ваше предположение так же хорошо, как и мое. / Bugün gelirler mi? Benimki de sadece tahmin.

  • If I had to take a guess, I’d say… - Is it better to make educated guesses in decision-making, or should we rely solely on facts?

  • It’s difficult to say, but I think… - In uncertain situations, how valuable is it to voice opinions based on intuition rather than concrete data?

  • Off the top of my head, I’d say… - Can off-the-cuff estimates be more beneficial than precise calculations in fast-paced industries like sales and marketing?

  • It’s about… - How accurate should estimations be in scientific research, where approximations can sometimes lead to breakthrough hypotheses?

  • It’s around… - Are rough estimates enough in strategic planning, or do they compromise the effectiveness of long-term goals?

  • I wouldn’t be surprised if… - Is it better to expect the worst in politics, or should we remain optimistic about potential outcomes?

  • There’s a good chance… - Does emphasizing likelihood over certainty help in motivating people, or does it create false expectations?

  • I have a feeling/hunch… - How much should instinct play a role in leadership and decision-making?

  • I bet… - In gambling or investments, is making bold bets more a matter of luck or skill?

  • Your guess is as good as mine. - Does acknowledging uncertainty foster trust in leadership, or does it undermine authority?



English Phrase



English Definition

Örnek Cümle / Пример предложения

I’m debating between… [option A and option B].

Я раздумываю между… [вариант А и вариант Б].

[Seçenek A ile Seçenek B] arasında gidip geliyorum.

Trying to choose between two options

"I’m debating between taking a job or continuing my studies." / Я раздумываю между работой и учебой. / İşe başlamak ile eğitimime devam etmek arasında gidip geliyorum.

I can’t make up my mind.

Я не могу решиться.

Karar veremiyorum.

Unable to make a decision

"I can’t make up my mind about where to eat tonight." / Я не могу решиться, где поужинать сегодня. / Bu gece nerede yemek yiyeceğime karar veremiyorum.

I’m on the fence.

Я сомневаюсь.


Being undecided or neutral

"I’m on the fence about whether to buy this house." / Я сомневаюсь, стоит ли покупать этот дом. / Bu evi alıp almama konusunda kararsızım.

I’ll take that into consideration.

Я приму это во внимание.

Bunu dikkate alacağım.

Willing to consider the suggestion or opinion

"I’ll take your advice into consideration." / Я приму ваш совет во внимание. / Tavsiyenizi dikkate alacağım.

On the other hand…

С другой стороны…

Öte yandan…

Presenting an alternative point of view

"On the one hand, it’s cheaper, but on the other hand, it’s lower quality." / С одной стороны, это дешевле, но с другой стороны, качество ниже. / Bir yandan daha ucuz, ama öte yandan kalitesi daha düşük.

I’m having second thoughts.

У меня появились сомнения.

İkinci kez düşünüyorum.

Reconsidering a decision

"I’m having second thoughts about moving abroad." / У меня появились сомнения по поводу переезда за границу. / Yurtdışına taşınma konusunda ikinci kez düşünüyorum.

I changed my mind.

Я передумал.

Fikrimi değiştirdim.

Deciding differently from an original decision

"I changed my mind; I’ll stay home tonight." / Я передумал, я останусь дома сегодня вечером. / Fikrimi değiştirdim; bu gece evde kalacağım.

He convinced/persuaded me to…

Он убедил меня…

Beni ikna etti…

Being convinced by someone to make a decision

"He convinced me to try a new hobby." / Он убедил меня попробовать новое хобби. / Beni yeni bir hobi denemeye ikna etti.

Looking back, I know it was the right decision.

Оглядываясь назад, я знаю, что это было правильное решение.

Geriye dönüp baktığımda, bunun doğru karar olduğunu biliyorum.

Reflecting positively on a past decision

"Looking back, I know it was the right decision to quit my job." / Оглядываясь назад, я знаю, что увольнение было правильным решением. / Geriye dönüp baktığımda, işimden ayrılmanın doğru karar olduğunu biliyorum.

It’s up to you.

Решай сам.

Sana bağlı.

Letting someone else make the decision

"It’s up to you where we go for dinner." / Решай сам, куда пойдем на ужин. / Akşam yemeğinde nereye gideceğimiz sana bağlı.

  • I’m debating between… - Is it always better to carefully weigh options before making a decision, or does overthinking lead to lost opportunities?

  • I can’t make up my mind. - How does indecisiveness affect leadership in politics or business, and can it sometimes be a sign of thoughtful decision-making?

  • I’m on the fence. - In moral dilemmas, is it acceptable to be “on the fence,” or is taking a firm stance always necessary?

  • I’ll take that into consideration. - Does saying “I’ll take that into consideration” genuinely reflect an open mind, or is it often just a polite way to dismiss ideas?

  • On the other hand… - Is the habit of presenting both sides of an argument helpful in reaching fair conclusions, or does it create confusion and indecision?

  • I’m having second thoughts. - Should second thoughts be seen as a weakness in decision-making, or are they a sign of a rational approach to reconsidering choices?

  • I changed my mind. - Is changing one’s mind a sign of growth and adaptability, or does it indicate inconsistency and lack of commitment?

  • He convinced/persuaded me to… - How much influence should others have in personal decision-making, and where should we draw the line?

  • Looking back, I know it was the right decision. - Is hindsight always accurate in judging past decisions, or can it be distorted by present biases?

  • It’s up to you. - How does giving decision-making power to others affect relationships and dynamics in teams or families?



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